Entry #1
Overcome? Today as I was going through all my social media, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook and after awhile I got bored of looking at that stuff so I turned on the good old Bible App, I should have just started there. It opened right to 1 John 5 and I started reading and I got to verse 5. Here is what It states. “Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” So many times as humans we think of ways to overcome all are problems in life. Paying the bills, figuring out who is going where for Christmas, trying not to offend are friends and family, and trying to fix the leek under the sink. Or maybe we are trying to stop drinking so much, stop telling so many lies or trying to encourage people instead of discouraging them. Trying trying and more trying always trying to become better and be good enough for everyone. We as humans are constantly trying to overcome the obstacles in life. John says that Who overcomes the world? Jesus overcomes the world. In John 16:33 Jesus says this. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” During the Christmas season and after we can lose focus of Jesus. We forget that Jesus paid the price for us. We can’t do it alone and we can never do it with out Him. The way to overcome the world is not by trying to fix all of the problems because we fail, we are a imperfect people in a imperfect world. We need to overcome our pride and say Jesus I believe in you because in the end thats all that matters. Giving our lives over to God and His son Jesus. Jesus said that we will have trouble, but in the mist of that trouble we can have the solid fact that Jesus died so we can overcome them. So change the way you see things. Yes we have problems, yes they can be fixed but do not fix them for your benefit but for the Lords. Use the cards that God gave you. Show what Jesus can do through you NOT what you can do with Jesus. Big difference, is Jesus a tool that you use or a Beautiful Treasure that you cherish? Thanks for reading. Would love to hear your comments as long as they are appropriate. God Bless, have a good day. Phil Ramsey
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Dan Johnson and Phillip RamseyLead Pastor and Youth Pastor at Casino Assemblies of God |