Sometimes I wonder why makes up these special days? Today is no exception? Who decided to have a National Nail Polish Day? and why? Well, as you could have predicted, this special day was declared by a nail polish company in 2017. They claim that June 1 is the day that people start worrying about their nails for the summer. Essie, the nail polish company, believe that everyone is more concerned in the summer about their fingernails, and toe nails, because it has become a point of fashion and, of course, you wouldn't want to be out fashion on this beginning of summer! What isn't being said by Essie and others, is that the outward appearance is not what defines us. It's nice to have cute nails, and it is fun to show off our nice pedicure when we wear sandals. But is more important is the condition of our heart. What is on the inside needs our full attention. The Bible says in I Samuel 16:7, "For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." Today's challenge is to enjoy a new color of polish on your nails, girls, but to think about how much you love others with your whole heart.
If you spend any time with a young child, you will know that God built in to us the desire to smile. Babies are said to smile 400 times a day, while an adult smiles about 20. Where did our smile go? Why don't adults enjoy life like kids do? I suppose it is because of all the stress of today's world. Maybe there is stress about money or family or relationships. Maybe adults have forgotten how smiling and joy is actually good for their health. There have been some recent studies that show that smiling have at least these 7 health benefits: 1. Improved Mood 2. Relieves Pain 3. Lowers Blood Pressure 4. Builds a Stronger Immune System 5. Relieves Stress 6. Creates Better Relationships 7. Gives a Younger Appearance. Would it surprise you if I told you that over 2700 years ago, God said, "A merry heart does good like a medicine."? Proverbs also says, "A glad heart makes a happy face." God knew that our health depends on our smile. He even said that the fruit of the Spirit is JOY. Here is today's challenge. Kids, try to make the adults in your life smile at least 100 times today. Tell a funny joke, remind them of a funny story, do something silly, or give them a hug. It will relieve their stress, and make your day better. What is the job of a paperclip? That seems like an easy question with an easy answer. It holds stuff together. What does it hold together? Another easy answer. It holds papers together. It was originally designed to hold labels on fabric. Could a paperclip still be used for that? Sure, you say. What else could it hold together? How about a hem? How about a broken necklace? How about holding a light chain together? Yeah, sure. How about people? Can it hold people together? Oh, now that seems a little out of the capacity of a paperclip. It is just a little wire thing that was invented in about 1867 by Samuel Fey. No, it's not really something that can hold people together. But wait. As I read the history books about life in Norway in the early years of World War 2, I read about how Germany was invading Norway and killing the Jewish people there. It was incorrectly believed that a Norwegian Jew had invented the paperclip and so there was a secret plan for everyone who supported the Jewish people to wear a paperclip on their lapel. It was a silent protest and symbol of resistance against the invasion of the Nazis from Germany. The secret worked for awhile until the Nazi army discovered the reason for the paperclip so they banned the wearing of paperclips. Sounds like the paperclip was holding people together. There is another story of a school in Whitwell, Tennessee who collected over 30 million paperclips. It was a part of a learning project about the Holocaust and the terrible things that happened in Europe to over 11 million people. Six million were Jews and over 1.5 million victims were children. These school children in Tennessee collected paperclips over several years as a way to fight racism and hatred. Their project brought hope and inspiration to their whole community. Looks like the paperclip brought that community together. The paperclip is a great way to hold things together. The Bible tells of something else that binds us together. That is LOVE. Love is what brings unity to our world. Oh how we need this message of unity right now! The world is full of hatred and sin. We need God. We need love. Will you please wear a paperclip on your shirt today to remind yourself to love all people? Thanks. Have you had a good hamburger on the grill yet this summer? I did just a few days ago. I also had a fast food hamburger today and I think they are serving hamburgers for summer school lunch next week. Hamburgers are one of those meals that thousands enjoy every day. In fact, I read that McDonald's serves 6.48 MILLION hamburgers every day. A hamburger can be enjoyed with many different types of condiments. I prefer just ketchup and mustard. Some people add pickles, cheese, mayo, lettuce, onion, bacon, and tomato. The official hamburger is made of beef, but some "hamburgers" are made out of ground turkey, ground venison, or maybe even ground bison meat. No one really knows for sure who "invented" the hamburger but we are pretty sure that that first hot meat sandwich was named after Hamburg, Germany. It became popular in America at the 1904 World Fair, the same year that the ice cream cone had its start. I am quite confident that the hamburger will be enjoyed for many years to come, celebrating summer on the grills of homes around the world. One of the reasons that hamburgers are so popular is that they are so consistent. There's not many ways to change the basic ingredients -- hamburger and a bun. It's pretty predictable and can be considered a "comfort food". Reminds me a little of Jesus. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is consistent -- much more than the common hamburger. Jesus can be trusted to keep His promises and to be as strong and caring today as He was in the Bible. He can still do miracles. He can stop a storm. He can heal people from diseases. The same. Yesterday, Today, Forever! Have a burger today. Try to change it up a little today but know there is no way to ever change Jesus. He will always care about you! Cellophane tape was invented early in 1930 by Richard Gurley Drew after he had already invented masking tape to be used in auto body shops. He worked for 3M based in St. Paul, Minnesota and was trying to solve a problem for packaging companies. Another company, DuPont, had created a clear crinkly packaging that we think of inside cracker boxes or breakfast cereal. That product was called cellophane. Drew was searching for a product to seal these bags and used his masking tape idea to apply to strips of cellophane to seal cellophane bags. Just about the time he perfected his cellophane tape invention to seal cellophane, DuPont figured out a way to seal cellophane bags with heat. So Drew’s new invention wasn’t needed. Oh, really? Today it is estimated that 90% of homes have at least one roll of cellophane tape. We now call this tape by several names but Scotch tape is the most popular name. (The background of how it got the name “Scotch” would be an interesting research project for you.) Scotch tape is used for all kinds of things: wrap a present, fix a book, repair curtains, hem a skirt, fix a hole in a bucket, and wrap cords together just to name a few! It was a very valuable tool during the Great Depression when people needed to repair an item rather than buy new. This funny product was thought to be replaced by a heat sealing packaging machine, but has turned into one of the most useful inventions of all times. A patent was issued on May 27, 1930 and the inventor was inducted into the Inventors Hall of Fame in 2007. This reminds me of the story of Joseph who told his brothers, “You meant this for evil, but God turned it for good.” We might not always understand what God has in mind for us. We just have to live each day saying “yes” to Jesus and in the end He will use us in His kingdom. We might even end up doing a job that no one else can do. Scotch tape was invented to seal packages, but it turned out to do something even more important -- lots of little jobs in every household. What little job does God have for you?? When was the last time you made a paper airplane? Did you know there are lots of ways to make a paper airplane. According to various sources online:
Do you think the Bible talks about airplanes? Isaiah wrote ""Who are these that fly along like clouds, like doves to their nests?" And he wrote, "but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles." Do think Isaiah was describing airplanes? Well, we know that airplanes were not invented in the Bible, but maybe God was describing something to Isaiah that was way in the future. I don't know, but I do know that just as Isaiah had to trust God we can trust God with our future. Maybe God is going to do something in your future that hasn't even been invented yet. I wonder what it could be??! A few days ago Brittnee made a post on Facebook of Isaiah singing. It really blessed me because singing is such an emotional expression. It was obvious that Isaiah believe what he was singing. There was music all through the Bible. I like to look at verses in Psalms, because Psalms really means "songs". Psalm 100 says,"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing." It doesn't even matter if you are a good singer. The verse says make a joyful "noise". God loves music -- heaven is filled with music. I hope you sing every day. Mama's need to sing to their babies, old people need to fill their hearts with music. And everyone in between the young and old should sing every day. The Bible also says, "A merry heart does good like medicine." Don't be afraid -- sing loud. Don't be ashamed -- sing often. Hum. Whistle. Sing. Enjoy music every day and especially today on Sing Out Day. I have a brother, do you? I actually have two brothers so I'm doubly blessed. Growing up I was always glad I had two older brothers. I enjoyed playing football with them, riding snowmobile with them, and always knowing that they would help me if I needed. My oldest brother and I had birthdays just 4 days apart so we often had birthday parties together. Brothers are great. Oh, there were days when I'm sure they tried to get rid of the little sister that would tag along. There were times when I thought they were mean to me. Sometimes they weren't very fun. But I always knew that they loved me. The Bible says that as Christians we are like brothers and sisters, all a part of God's family. Today, I hope that you know that your church family will always support you if you are having trouble. We will always be here to help you if you need something. That's what family does, and that's how the family of God acts. We are family, and we are going to get to heaven and live as family together forever! So, happy brother (or sister) day today! How many musical instruments can you name? That's your challenge today. Think of all the brass instruments (trumpet, trombone...), woodwinds (clarinet, saxophone...) percussion (drum, cymbal...), strings (cello, guitar...), and keyboard (organ, piano...). There is also a new classification of instruments called "electronic instruments" which includes things such as a laser harp, synthesizer, and turntable. How many did you come up with? Wikipedia has a list of over 1000 different instruments, including many instruments used in native countries. The first mention of an instrument in the Bible is in Genesis 4:21-- Jubal, he was the father of all who play stringed instruments and pipes. There are lots of other instruments in the Bible. Psalm 150 names nine instruments in that one chapter! Can you name a Bible character you know who played a harp? Yep, David played the harp for his sheep and for King Saul. I know many students at Pillager school learn early how to play a recorder. That is much like a clarinet and you can play lots of great songs on it. A recorder is an easy instrument to start with and you can even buy them at the Dollar Tree for $1. In fifth grade you get to choose a band instrument, and even before that many kids start piano or guitar lessons. Those are great instruments to learn because you can use them for the rest of your life. So, today is "Buy a Musical Instrument Day". If you can't buy something today, try to make an instrument -- maybe a drum with sticks. Use your instrument to sing to God and enjoy music today. It is a gift from God!! Yum! Depending on where you live in the nation, it just about time to start finding a spot to pick strawberries. You should look for the plump, firm, and bright red ones. The more red, the better -- in my opinion. Did you know that some people say that strawberries are the only fruit that grow its seeds on the outside. Strawberries grow on a short plant and there are many different kinds of strawberries. They like to grown in the sun and need lots of water. You can go to a big strawberry farm to pick your berries, or grow your own in your garden. Fresh strawberries are absolutely the best and great on ice cream or just by themselves. When I see strawberries in the grocery store it is very hard to walk by them without putting some in my cart. I just feel drawn to them because they are just so yummy. The fruit of the Spirit is listed in Galatians 5. It is not really "fruit" like strawberries or bananas, but it is the attitudes and actions that we can look for in a Christian. "Fruit" is a sign that something is alive and if you are a Christian -- a Jesus follower -- you will have the fruit of the Spirit and people will have a hard time not wanting to know more about us (kinda like the strawberries in the grocery store). Look up Galatians 5:22-23 and make a list of the fruit of the Spirit. Maybe you already can say the fruit because you've learned the list from a song. Then today, enjoy some strawberries (or strawberry jam) and think about how you can show other people that you have the fruit of the Spirit in your life. |
AuthorWriten by Sue Van Hal, Children's Church Leader Archives
July 2020